Parking space management Helbüchelstraße

September until March 2022

The short-term and cab parking spaces on Helbüchelstraße / Höhe Marktplatz were fitted with eight ground sensors. These sensors record whether the designated parking spaces are being used. Additional evaluations can be made via the dashboard as to how long the parking bays are occupied and whether the maximum permitted parking time is being exceeded. The data is recorded via a LoRaWAN gateway and forwarded to the application interface. 

This proof of concept will be used to gain insight into how and to what extent digital parking management can be used to reduce parking search traffic. The goal is to optimize the parking supply in the city.

In implementation

Smart Industrial City is a joint project of Stadtmarketing- und Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Dormagen and Currenta, operator of the Chemparks Leverkusen, Dormagen and Krefeld.

© Smart Industrial City | Design & Coding by kopfsturm®